1. Rat Plague for Melbourne Households
Melbourne households have seen a significant rise in the number of rats in recent months. The rats have been driven to seek out food in homes by drought and lack of feed.
According to Peter Taylor, an expert in pest control, there has been a major increase in the rat population in the city in the past months.
Drier weather in the autumn has led to less food in outdoor spaces such as gardens and paddocks, forcing the rats to enter Melbourne’s residences in search of food and shelter.
To discourage rats, households should start early. This can be done by stopping them getting into the home in the first place, and by reducing access to any food in the house. Households should block any entryways and gaps where possible and keep food tightly wrapped and stored.
Taylor noted that it is a good idea to start preventative measures as soon as possible as rats that are settled will tend to breed, which can lead to a further increase in the population and a major infestation in the home.
Source: http://www.3aw.com.au/blogs/3aw-breakfast-blog/rat-plague-in-melbourne/20130528-2n88s.html

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