Catching up with our Sponsor Children from Cambodian Childrens Funds
As part of CPS on-going support for the CCF, each staff member has taken on the responsibility of becoming an “adopted” uncle or aunty for the children we sponsor. Part of this responsibility includes being the point of contact for the business and communicating with each child regularly.
Since out last newsletter, we have had two birthdays in the CCF family, Sreyratha and Chandim and below are there emails and photos of their special day and a catch up with Pisey too!
Dearest Matt,
I am so excited to hear from the happy birthday words from you. You have made my day my beloved Matt. I promise you I will study hard. My sponsor relations officer took me to go shopping with my friends during my birthday. It was so exciting day to celebrate my birthday there. Thank you so much for your kindness to me my beloved Matt. I bought some clothes, some groceries for my family too. I also ate some chicken, fried potatoes, and drink happily. I can say that my birthday was really amazing my beloved Matt.
Sreyrath turned 13 on the 25th December
Hi Andrew.
I would like to share with you about my birthday outing trip. I had a great time. I bought some clothes, shoes, and birthday cake. Also, I enjoyed eating pizza and drank coca cola. Guess what? I got Kitty from playing toy catcher game. I am very lucky to get it. I like it very much. These are some photos during the trip. Hope you enjoy seeing them.
Hello Ollie,
How are you today? I hope you are fine. For me, I am fine. But, it is getting a bit cold here. Are you busy now? Here, my friend and I just finished our English class. Today, I studied about “At the pool.” They were: swim, float, listen to music, eat an ice-cream, watch TV, and write a post card.
How is the weather there? Cold or hot? I miss you a lot.
With love,

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