Why Roof Ventilation Matters
Effective roof ventilation cuts power costs, helps ensure the health of residents and makes houses last longer.
A roof ventilation system regulates the flow of air in and out of the house, which also prevents the buildup of moisture and mould. Apart from being a health risk in itself, damp areas can encourage pests. Silverfish thrive in warm, damp spaces as do cockroaches, centipedes and some species of ants.
Without good roof ventilation, heat can cause hot, musty air to amass in the attic, which flows back into the main part of the home over time. This can in turn put greater demands on the air conditioning system and drive up power costs in the home.
There are a range of roof ventilation options for home owners. Ducted exhaust fans remove heat and excess moisture through a vent in the roof.
Other systems involve removing stale air from a room, allowing fresh outside air to permeate the home.
These eco-friendly air conditioners use less electricity than conventional air conditioners and so release less greenhouse gas into the air.
Source: http://www.infolink.com.au/c/Doctor-Damp/The-importance-of-roof-ventilation-n2502961

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